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Hearing Loss

One of the most common health issues in the world is also one of the most treatable.

  • 1-in-6 Baby Boomers struggle with hearing loss
  • 50% of adults 75 & older have hearing impairements
  • Men are more likely to experience hearing loss
  • The 3rd most common condition in older Americans is hearing loss
  • Fact 1
  • Fact 2
  • Fact 3
  • Fact 4

You’re Not Alone

48 million Americans—or nearly one in five, age 12 and older—experience hearing loss severe enough to hinder communication.1

You Won’t Stand Out

Asking people to constantly repeat themselves or responding inappropriately draws more attention than wearing today's stylish hearing aids.

The Effects

Let’s face it, living with hearing loss can be frustrating, even dangerous. Hearing aids can allow you to function better in all areas of your life:

1 in 6 American experience hearing loss
Untreated hearing loss has been linked to dementia and other cognitive disorders
Hearing impairment is more common in men
Those with untreated hearing loss experience a 30-40% greater decline in thinking abilities compared to those without hearing loss

Take the Test

Think you may have hearing loss?

Take this quick and easy at-home hearing test to find out.

Your Options

There's a hearing solution just right for you.

Don't Wait

You wouldn’t put off getting glasses if you were having trouble seeing. Hearing loss is not something you should just “put up with.” In fact, research shows early treatment can make a difference.12

Use it or Lose It

Over time, reduced stimulation to your ears and brain can actually impair the brain's ability to process sound and recognize speech. Hearing impairment is only partially recoverable with hearing aids.

The Sooner the Better

When you can't hear what's going on around you, your mental sharpness and communication abilities suffer. The earlier you start using hearing aids, the quicker you'll notice benefits.

Ready to
Hear Better?

Let us help you get in touch with a hearing professional.

Getting Started!

Get Started!

Not Sure Yet?

Take a hearing test